
Thursday 28 May 2015

TIME OUT Challenges - CASE With Your Own Twist


It's time for the next challenge over at TIME OUT Challenges. This fortnight is a CASE challenge, with your own twist. This month we have an awesome muse, Deepti from Dee's Art Utopia.

Along with having an awesome muse to CASE, Deepti is giving an awesome prize away for this challenge. You may or may not know that Deepti has designed her first stamp set and it is for sale HERE through Stamplorations. Though you have the chance to WIN a set by joining in on the challenge :)

Here is Deepti's card we are CASEing...

And here how I was inspired...

I used a combination of Uniko Studio stamps to create this card, Background Builders: Squared (back in stock soon), Flower Power #2 and #6 and Background Builders: Vines. I was inspired by the checked section at the top of Deepti's card, the flowers and the colours.

Here is a closer look at the stamped squares and detail I added using a tiny flower from Background Builders: Vines...

Ok, that's all from me today, but there is much more inspiration over at TIME OUT Challenges. This fortnight we have a lovely guest designer joining us, Maura, be sure to stop by Maura s Splitcoast Stampers Page HERE to see how she was inspired by the photo and of course the FABulous TIME OUT Challenges Design Team...

For all the info and to link up your challenge be sure to stop by the TIME OUT Challenges blog. I look forward to seeing your creations :) I'll be back soon with more to share, until then, thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Such precision stamping of that grid background, Bev ... and of those sweet tiny flowers in it ... amazing! Your pretty posy going off the edge of the card is fabulous against it! Anita :)

  2. Such a detailed take on the pattern and must have taken such patience-love how you dud this x

  3. Gorgeous. Love the amazing background stamping.

  4. Love this. That background you stamped is incredible.

  5. Love that squared background, Bev - adding the little flowers is such a clever touch :) Great CASE of Deepti's card!

  6. This is sooooooooo elegant and beautiful Bev! That grid BG paired with gorgeous flowers and black leaves is so pretty. Love it and thank you soooooooo much for your kind words. I am so excited !

  7. Such a marvelous take on Deepti's cards...grid stamping, pretty blooms and the leaves, in black...oh my! Love this!

  8. This is absolutely lovely - a super take on Deepti's card! I do like the way you've added the tiny flower to the squares - fab xx

  9. Bev, thanks so much for stopping by to see my card and your kind comments. I love your card - that background stamp is just fabulous and I like how you stamped the leaves in black. BTW, I noticed the name you have for me in your post is not correct and the link goes just to the overall split coast gallery, rather than my card or gallery. If you had time to change that link I would be grateful. But if it's not possible I understand.

    1. My apologies Maura, I have now updated my post x

  10. Wow; these little squeres look so great! What a beautiful way to case the card! And what great stamping! Enjoy the weekend, Gerrina

  11. Just love the block builders, the pattern looks amazing. And your flowers with the black leaves, look awesome!!

  12. I love your take on Deepti's card. The details show that you've given a lot of thought to CASEing the design. Stef x

  13. The blocks make a fantastic, modern background for your pretty flowers! Great card!


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