
Tuesday 1 March 2016

Simply Cards & Papercrafts!


Sorry I have been MIA over the past few days, though it seems like weeks as time is just not slowing down. I've been hit by the bugs again this past weekend, I think it's been a combination of playgroups with the beans and working all the hours once they are in bed! 

March already, how did that happen?! Though it's good as it means Spring here in the UK is only a couple of weeks away - YAY! 

You may have seen this photo that I shared around social media towards the end of last week...

I was asked by the lovely Aimes (Editor & Chief of Simply Cards & Papercrafts) if I would design a set of free digital stamps and create some projects. How could I refuse that offer?! 

I thought I would share a closer look at the feature in the magazine for those who are unable to purchase the magazine. Also because I have yet to find my creative energy this week :( I'm sure I will at some point as I have some DT stuff to catch up on ;)

Anyway, here is the feature...

You might recognise the bunny from the recently released Some Bunny clear stamp set. I had some more fun posing him in a birthday box and with some birthday balloons ;)

To download your freebie stamps be sure to visit I'd love to see what you create using them :)

Ok, that's all from me tonight, I think another early night is called for if I am going to shift this bug and annoying cough. I'll be back later this week with more to share. Until then, thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Love your digis, I've already downloaded them

  2. Sorry to hear that you have been not well, hope you feel better soon Bev! Yes I remember seeing this magazine, you shared a days before. Have some spiced soup, it will help you with your flu and cough, we Indians have a special soup for this!

  3. Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well! When my youngest was little I caught every bug he had - not fun!
    Congratulations at your feature in that magazine! Love the digi stamps you created and already downloaded them!

  4. You are really talented! To make three beautiful digi's that are so usuable!
    Hope you are feeling better soon! (Just think that all that the beans infect you with now is off your way for the next 10-15 years!) Hugs, Gerrina

  5. Wow, Bev ... many congratulations on such a great feature ... those digi's are adorable! Hope you're feeling much better! Hugs, Anita :)


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