Saturday 7 October 2017

October 2017 Sneak Peeks Day 1


Yep, that's right it's countdown to the October Release time and share some sneak peeks with you! We have some other surprises for this release, so you'll want to check in on the Introducing days to see them in action ;)

Now, onto todays peek...

If you loved Block Party Birthday, which was released back in February, then I think you might just love this one too. It'll make creating a batch load of Christmas cards super fun and quick too!

Just the one peek to share with you today, but I will be back tomorrow with more!

Release Schedule...

Sneak Peeks 7th - 10th October, these little teasers give you hints at what is in store!

Introducing 11th - 15th October, here you will see a closer look at the products being released with a daily blog hop with the Uniko DT.

Release Day! Monday 16th October 9am BST you will get to see the products in their entirety and purchase them HERE on the website! As usual there will be a Design Team Blog Hop & GIVEAWAY!

Thank you for stopping by today and I'd LOVE to hear your initial thoughts on the Sneak Peeks!



  1. Love being part of these peeks! Festive fabulous about to unfold! Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, so expressing my THANKS for having you in my life!

  2. What a great mix of fonts! Love the snowflakes that you have interspersed throughout so I cannot wait to see the reveal! Thanks for showing us the awesome peeks!

  3. Looks amazing! Can't wait to see the whole thing! xxx


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