Wednesday, 27 March 2024
Brand Ambassador Inspiration - 3 Stamp Sets 1 One-Layer Card
Saturday, 23 March 2024
Brand Ambassador Inspiration - Watercolour Spring Botanicals
Good morning all, Julie here with a little bit more Spring Botanicals inspiration. Earlier in the month I used Snowdrops and Crocus for my design here, but today I want to share the fab Tulip set from the series. I received a lovely bouquet of them for Mother's Day from my son and have only just consigned them to the compost heap, so I was inspired to get the set out for a play.
I love to use simple frames in my cards and for my first card I've used an oval frame for these pretty spring tulips.
Thursday, 21 March 2024
Brand Ambassador Inspiration - More Spring Botanicals Inspiration
Bonjour !
Izzy here. I hope that you enjoyed the last post with the Non-Release Blog Hop & Giveaway where Bev and all the Brand Ambassadors gave some more love to the Spring Botanicals collection.
Today I'm showing you 3 more cards with this collection. For the Blog Hop I chose to use the Spring Botanicals Crocus (see here) so this time I'm using the other ones.
I will start the show with the Spring Botanicals Snowdrop.
Tuesday, 19 March 2024
Brand Ambassador Inspiration - Organic Wishes
Morning all,
Steph here today and I am using Uniko Organic Wishes stamp set for my Brand Ambassador post this month. I have used it in both a light and dark setting to see what difference can be created.
Firstly my ‘light’ card. I have teamed Uniko Organic Wishes with Uniko Natures Treasure stamp set. I have used chalk ink on both cards for better comparison.
My second ‘dark’ card uses the Uniko Organic Wishes stamp set as fireworks in the night sky. I have teamed it with Uniko Big & Bold Wish stamp set.
So which do you like best?
Much love
Steph x
Monday, 11 March 2024
March 2024 Non-Release Brand Ambassador Blog Hop & GIVEAWAY!
Hello & Happy Monday.

Saturday, 9 March 2024
Simple Spotlight Saturday 💐
Hello & Happy Weekend,
I planned on sharing this card yesterday, but due to some technical difficulties I wasn't able to edit my photos. Technical support obtained from my husband and I am back, just need him to sort all the others I have on my list - haha!
Anyway, back to my card.
Monday, 4 March 2024
Celebrating 12 Years Winners, Winners, WINNERS
Hello & Happy Monday.
I'm kicking the week off announcing ALL the Celebrating 12 Years Winners, Winners, WINNERS. I used to select the lucky entry and all the prizes apart from the Linky Party were picked on Brand Ambassador vote. But I also have a card to share, so that first...
Restocks of the February Release are due in the studio 16th March. Thank you to all those who have placed a backorder in anticipation of their return.
Now let's get to the winners...
First up I have the winner of the Uniko Papercraft Society Box, exclusive to CraftStash. Thank you for all the comments and love about this box. It was super fun to design for this and it is something I will consider bringing out Exclusive to Uniko in the near future.
And the winner is...
Congratulations Aileen
Please send me an email to with your postal address and I will get the box in the mail to you.
Next up we have the first of the Grand Prize winners, Win Stamps For a Year!
Congratulations Greta! Please send me an email to with your postal address and I will get the February 2024 Release Stencil in the post to you.
Next we have the Birthday Linky party Winners. As voted by the Brand Ambassadors the winner is...
Congratulations Emma and Bev K. Please email me and I will send you your £10 eGift Code to spend over at
Lastly and by no means least I have the winner of the Release Day Brand Ambassador Blog Hop. Thank you to everyone that hopped along and most of all left lovely comments.
Such awesome cards! Great designs and color combos on your creations! I am loving this release!
Congratulations Denise! Please email me and I will send you your £25 eGift Code to spend over at
A big congratulations to all the winners and to everyone who joined in on celebrating 12 years, I appreciate you all. I don't think I have forgotten anything or any of the giveaways I mentioned. If I have, be sure to let me know ;)
Friday, 1 March 2024
Hello March & Happy St Davids Day
Hello, Happy Friday & Happy St Davids Day.
Firstly, thank you for all the support, comments and lovely orders during February. You really made Uniko's 12th Birthday one to remember. Secondly, I need to extend my apologies for not sharing much since release day.
Along with the release orders keeping me busy and the general day to day running of Uniko. I have spent this past week doing my other main job of being mummy and nurse to a poorly Bean. Thankfully he is doing a lot better and has spent the day with Grandma and Grandad giving me a little reprieve and time to catch up.
So, I am kicking the month off with a Spring card...
With it being St Davids Day and the national flower of Wales being the Daffodil I had to incorporate Spring Botanicals Daffodil into my make.
I wasn't in the mood for detailed colouring, so my quicker alternative is using a stencil. It feels like it has been a while since I used the Layering Bauhaus Blocks, so that's what I used for my base and colour hit!
I added a little masked off border to my base card before stencilling and this married in with my top layer using the Spring Botanicals Daffodil. I adhered the layer using foam adhesive for a little dimension too.
That's all from me today, but I will back over the weekend with more to share.