Tuesday 15 February 2022

Uniko 10th Birthday Celebrations - Quest 7 DT Match Up

Welcome to Quest 7

Oh, this is such a fun quest!

All the current DT have provided photos of themselves when they were around ten years old. Can you match them up to their current photo?


Not that easy is it?

 Don't read the next few lines in italics if you don't want some clues.

Here's are some clues to help you on your way:

The four BA wearing spectacles - to read with not on top of their head - are pictures 3, 5, 6 or 7.

Julie's hair style is pretty much the same in both pics.

Both Bev and Jane have a ribbon bow on the top of their hair.

Email your answers with Match Up in the subject line to bev@uniko.co.uk

All correct answers will go into a draw to win a Fun Flower Bundle


  1. No it's not easy Bev but as soon as I looked at them, the only one I recognised straight away was 'You' and your cute photo x.

  2. Thank for another quest - this one was the most challenging yet. I sent in my answers but I'm not sure how well I did. It was fun and I look forward to seeing each quest!

  3. Thank goodness for spoiler alerts!! LOL But I'm still not positive on my guesses. We'll see ... I'm sending my email anyway.

  4. Omg.. this is so fun... but... no I am not going to get all right... Bev.. I must have seen you in your childhood, you are the only one I guessed right away :D Am looking at them and thinking is that Julie..ohh..was this Jane?? Sooo soo cute..all of you <3

  5. Wow, that was a challenge, but such fun. Thank goodness for the clues. 👍

  6. Thanks for the this fun and tough quest with some hints, really challenging one. Going to send u an email now!

  7. Made my best guesses but this was a toughie. Thank goodness for the hints or I would have had a nervous breakdown!

  8. Now that is a challenge! There are a couple I thought I could spot straight away but then another couple that I just couldn't separate, even with all the clues, ha! Anyway, I've had a go and emailed in. You've gotta be in it to win it, after all!

  9. This one is tough.... working on it still! Not sure about my answers, but I will make some guesses and send my email!

  10. I cannot tell you how much time I have spent on this so I am just going for it!!!! x.

  11. This is a bit tricky!! Lots of fun to compare the photos!! :)


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