Tuesday 14 May 2024

Brand Ambassador Inspiration - Seeing Stars and More

 Good morning, Julie here with a little inspiration featuring the  Background Builders Seeing Stars and Seeing Stars stencil and a few sentiments from Reach for the Stars, You Are Yes You, Everyday Family Sentiments and Floral Vines.

I was inspired by the new challenge over at Cardz4Guyz where the theme is Stars and or Stripes. I know many of you find masculine cards difficult so I thought I would share a few ideas that would work equally as well for a female recipient.

As my Grandson loves a rainbow, I thought I would use that as a starting point too to create a couple of examples. My first idea uses just three Distress Inks and the stencil to create a background for the sentiment, you could also use star stamps from Background Builders Seeing Stars .

Using Mustard Seed, Salty Ocean and Picked Raspberry, I inked through the stencil onto an A6 panel of white card, moving it around so that all the white space was covered. The card was roughly divided into 3 sections and where the colours overlapped, it created 3 more colours! Initially I kept the inking light but as I moved the stencil around the panel, I added stronger colours, but kept the edges subtle and ensuring only 2 colours overlapped to prevent a muddy look. Once happy with the coverage, I turned to the sentiment.

On a panel of white card, I stamped the STAR from Reach for the Stars in black, and then fussy cut it out, leaving a white border. On some black card from the scrap box, I stamped the sentiments and then cut them into strips. The STAR was added with foam pads and the strips were glued flat. A few sequins or gems would certainly make it more feminine but as I was making a masculine card, I left them off.

This second card is simpler to create, this time I added a light inking of the 3 Distress Inks and then added the stars with a heavier hand and the same three inks, filling in extra stars where required. 

The sentiment is as before but the Happy Birthday replaced with a simple Dad. This time I trimmed the panel down to leave a slight border when added to an A6 base card. I've a feeling this one will be used by my Grandson to give his Dad on Father's Day. If you think it's a tad bright then why not change to a plainer colour scheme such as shades of blue and green just like this card!

This time I used the Seeing Stars Background Builder stamps and kept the whole card one layer. Although the main stars are from the BB Seeing Stars, some smaller ones came from some Uniko Christmas sets. After the stars were stamped in a range of DIs, Twisted Citron, Mermaid Lagoon, Salty Ocean and Peacock Feathers, I stamped the sentiment from Reach for the Stars in black and added some white dots of white puffy paint. 

That's all from me for today, hope I've given you a little bit of inspiration for those difficult masculine makes.

Happy crafting.


  1. Stunning stary cards - loads of inspiration there, thanks Julie.

  2. Wow! Three fabulous star themed cards, love everyone so much! Great use of the stamps and stencils and love the rainbow colours but also the last one in blue and green!

  3. Brilliant cards Julie. Love the overlap on the first one. X

  4. Three lovely cards Julie, thank you for the inspiration as I don’t seem to have much imagination myself!!!

  5. How beautiful are these masculine cards, Julie. I especially love the first one with the rainbow colours. And yes, I'm one of those who struggle with masculine cards. So thanks for inspiring !


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